Making ecosystems

We have set up a new model to create ecosystems in an efficient way

Based on the advantages of mass production. It marks a before and after in this field of reforestation and planting of large areas:

  • Big Data
  • Intelligent Seeds (iSeed)
  • Drones
  • Digital Platform



Climate Change is probably the biggest problem we face as a society.

The exponential increase of greenhouse gases, fires and massive deforestation are the main causes of it.



The solution is to create in a hyper-efficient way huge extensions of new ecosystems that on the one hand reabsorb, through its natural process, huge amounts of CO2 and, on the other hand, reforest more land than is destroyed each year by human action or fires.


We are pioneers in obtaining results on a large scale, through the reforestation of large burned areas. We have reforested the great fires of Spain, Mexico and Colombia.



Private funds, or large companies for reforestation/planting actions. (Marketing, CSR).

Public funds to recover areas of high ecological value affected by fires.

20% of the reforestation is done with traditional planting methods and 80% with our technology and methodology.