Explainable artificial intelligence and machine learning accessible to everyone

About us

EXPAI adds value to Artificial Intelligence by eliminating possible biases to enjoy a transparent and understandable AI.

To achieve this, it applies the use of solutions based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, helping companies to understand and trust the results offered by these new technologies for decision making.

What problem do we solve?

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning presents a wealth of benefits and advantages in exchange for a complex and not always bias-free inner workings.

This causes not only distrust on the part of organisations that want to use these technologies, but also the possibility that the data offered may not be 100% optimal and reliable.

How our solution works

EXPAI solves this problem by eliminating the lack of knowledge and the potential bias of these artificial intelligence systems thanks to the use and development of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerging from academia.

Who is it for?

For a wide variety of organisations and companies that base their operations on the data that AI and Machine Learning systems offer them to: building models, monitoring processes and results, automating and optimising processes and streamlining and strengthening decision making.

How do we do it?

Through a SaaS solution based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (IAX) that thanks to open source algorithms facilitates access to the benefits of explainability to anyone thanks to a visual and intuitive interface.

This provides a scalable system in a multi-language environment with global reach.